Causes Calendar

2024 causes


  • -International Assistance Dog Week (Aug 4-10, 2024)
  • -Back-to-School Month
  • -National Nonprofit Day (Aug 17 every year)


  • -Recreation and Parks Month
  • -Chronic Health Conditions Awareness Month
  • -Sarcoma Awareness Month

Resource: Pulled from America’s Charities 2024 Cause Calendar

Giving trends

2024 Grants distributed to charities: $1,593,265,403

This tracks the flow of funds to charitable organizations from the Renaissance Charitable Foundation DAF program through the end of June 2024.

Why it matters: Knowing how much is going to charity through RCF’s DAF program allows stakeholders to assess the effectiveness of philanthropic strategies, ensure alignment with values, and optimize giving for maximum social impact.

Investment trends

39.05% Cash
60.14% Stock
.36% Other (Complex assets, fixed income, crypto)

Compares the types of assets—cash, stock, and complex assets—donated to DAFs by investors.

Why it matters: Reveals insights into donors’ asset preferences and allocation strategies, which enables advisors to provide guidance on tax-efficient giving and portfolio diversification.