Preparing for Giving Season? Help clients lock in tax savings now by funding a DAF before year-end – and deciding on charities later.

Ren Clients Can Now Unleash the Power of Crowdfunding

Have you ever felt how electrifying it is when you’re around someone who is passionate about a cause? It’s irresistibly contagious! There’s a sense of reward and excitement when you join their cause. And a sense of missing out on something important for those who don’t.

This is why crowdfunding is powerful.

Crowdfunding creates a public platform that enables someone’s passion to reach an even greater number of people.

And that’s why we’re excited to announce that we’ve launched Ren’s Public Causes feature. These public-facing, white-label crowdfunding pages allow our clients to engage their employees, customers, vendors, and community to support the causes and organizations they care about.

Over the last two years our clients have asked how they can raise funds for causes like Covid relief, social justice, and natural disasters, and our Public Causes feature is a smart and easy solution for this.

Whether it’s to cure disease, educate children, or protect animals, people love to come together for a common cause. With Ren’s Public Causes feature, our clients can bring communities together, give them a sense of purpose, and encourage them to join in on that irresistibly contagious passion.                                              

Examples of Public Causes in action:

  • A credit union uses Public Causes to build staff morale with a friendly competition among branches to see who can raise the most funds for their favorite local charities. They award a matching donation to the winner.
  • A Bank partners with a local charity and offers to match any donations made to a Public Cause page that benefits the charity. The charity promotes the page to their supporters to drive awareness and reinforce the partnership with the bank.
  • An organization that supports high school graduates makes a Public Causes page for senior students to invite their friends and family to contribute to a starter donor-advised fund. Depending on the campaign, all donations could be matched and distributed to families.

How Public Causes Works:

1. Contact Us to turn on Public Causes in your account.

2. Create your white-label crowdfunding campaign.

3. Promote your fundraiser and track your campaign progress.

4. Thank donors for their gift (Donors immediately receive tax receipts).

Here’s how you can get your Public Causes page started

We want to make it as easy as possible to share the causes you care about with others who share your passion. And this is just the beginning – we have a vision to make our crowdfunding feature propel even more causes so we can bring communities together to advocate and support what’s important to all of us.

Does Public Causes sound like something your programs can benefit from? Let’s unleash the power of crowdfunding and get the charitable conversation started today!                                                                                                                           

Is a donor-advised fund the right choice for your client?​

Get the answers to the most frequently asked questions about donor-advised funds in our free eBook — 12 Questions to Ask Before Setting Up a Donor-Advised Fund.